Boulder Yoga & Jewish Meditation Series for Elul - Class 1

Boulder Yoga & Jewish Meditation Series for Elul - Class 1

Join At The Well for a special in-person event for women and nonbinary folks in Boulder, Colorado!


Join At The Well's Jewish Education Director, Jenna Zadaka, in partnership with Congregation Nevei Kodesh, for a 4-part Elul series designed to help you close the year and prepare for Rosh Hashana. This journey invites you to empty your cup to fill it anew.

In this series, we will engage in Cheshbon Hanefesh (soul-reflection), soften into forgiveness, and rekindle our inner spark. Through yoga, Jewish meditation, and the study of Jewish mysticism, we will come together for inner tending and soul-work during this sacred month of Elul.

The Hebrew calendar is a beautiful circle of time, in which “the end is wedged in the beginning” (Sefer Yetzirah 1:7). Time is not linear, but rather a spiral: every year, you circle through the same months, the same energies, and yet experience them more deeply. Something falls away, and something new is reborn.

What are you letting go of now? What are you carrying forward?

You are welcome to join for the whole series or for whichever sessions work for you! You can sign up here for: September 11, September 18, and September 25.

If you have questions, please reach out to!

At The Well
At The Well
At The Well

We're here to support your journey to wholeness throughout every stage of your life. At The Well is spreading the word about Jewish rituals that can help you connect more deeply — to yourself, to your body, and to community.