
Sing In Adar

Song text: Mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’simcha!

Translation: When Adar arrives, joy increases!

Singing is a powerful way to get into our bodies and feel! Singing in community can heighten our connection to song and its powerful evocative function. I believe that when we sing something out loud, it helps us believe in it more fully. It’s a silly song. Lose yourself in the goofiness and joy. That's what Adar is all about!

Let’s Discuss:

  • How do you think singing these words may change your feelings about the upcoming month?
  • Ask yourself: what might increase your joy this month?
  • What else, in addition to joy, would you like to increase this month? Try zippering in another word besides “simcha” (joy) at the end of the song, even if it’s in English. Here are some examples: Mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’fun! Mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’intention! Mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’laughter!

Sing In Adar
Anat Halevy Hochberg
Anat Halevy Hochberg

Anat Halevy Hochberg is a musician, teacher, and ritual leader. Anat has a passion for performing, leading song, and backing others in using their voice. Anat performs as a solo artist and with collaborators, and has recently recorded with artists including Joey Weisenberg, Batya Levine, Miriam Marges, and George Mordecai. She recently released her first album, How can I keep (from) singing?. Learn more about her work at anathalevyhochberg.com

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